We’ve been busy!

We had a very busy time at our meeting last Friday and the Students asked Simone to take the following items to the teacher equivalent of the SRC (School Improvement Team)  She did that on Monday, now we are waiting to hear back from all the teaching teams.

(For all the gory  details of our last meeting click here – Week 3 action agenda)

  • Environment – Each SRC rep has been given a compost bin for their classrooms to collect organic waste each day. It is the rep’s job to empty the bin daily (this is part of their role as an SRC rep).  The green bin is around the side of Doolette closest to the lane for scraps to be emptied. in.  Here’s some photos of our team getting organised!

  • House Captains – Can we consider whether some Year 6’s be allowed to nominate for house captains as many students leave at the end of Year 6.
  • The students would also like a long run to be included in the championship events.  Is this viable or a possibility?
  • House Points – in the student survey, students voted to have more opportunities to do things in their sports team houses. One idea that we have come up with (and linked to our wish to do something to support the environment) is to split the school yard into 4 sections which each House team will be responsible for keeping clean and controlling litter.  At the end of each week the areas will be judged and an agreed amount of points be allocated to the Sports house whose yard area is the tidies.  A draft of areas has been given to teachers… To consider – who judges?  Points could be recorded on a spreadsheet so it won’t be a big time investment.
  • Nude Food Day – The SRC would like the school to participate in a Nude Food Day every week where students are encouraged to bring a lunchbox that contains no packaging. The SRC will promote it and compile an information brochure to go home to families. Are you willing to support it and which day is best?  We were thinking Friday each week.
  • Assembly – The SRC would like to bring back that each class does a yard clean on their way back from assembly.

Boy, have we been busy?  We haven’t even mentioned the discos – you’ll have to wait for the newsletter to read about that!

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