Meeting 1, Term 2 – VOTE NOW & INFORMATION!

The following ideas/things need to be voted on by your class.

Expert Learner Quality – Risk Taker:  Mr Norman’s class nominated another mascot.  Should the risk taker be Blue from Rio, or Room 16’s risk-taking mouse nomination?  Vote in the comments below.

risk taker mouse

Can your class suggest mascots for OPEN MINDED and COMMUNICATOR BEFORE the next meeting in Week 5…?

Discussion – Discos are scheduled for Week 9.  Your Rep has a list of points to discuss about ticket sales and options – how are we going to do it, should you have to pay for food and drink before the day, should you be able to buy tickets on the day?  Please vote and bring back your class’s suggestions ready for the next meeting, or add your thoughts below.  (See minutes for extra details)

SRC boxes will be placed in all buildings so that if classes don’t have meetings, kids can still have a say.  They will be collected by the Execs and added to the Agenda if suitable.  Please talk about NOT putting SILLY comments in.

Positive Yard Behaviours – These slips are taken to the office.  The Execs will now collect them once a fortnight and write a newsletter article to acknowledge those kids who have been given a slip.

Pet Day – Laura B said that her class were wanting to have a pet day week one term where all the kids get to bring their pets.  Please discuss with your class and either comment below or report back at the next meeting.

If anyone wants to see the movie Jed and Kern made of Mrs Woollard’s retirement, go to S:/Store drive, then open the folder called Retirement Photos and you’ll find it in there.

SRC Execs

Read 8 comments

  1. Here are Room 24’s thoughts for the SRC meeting in week 5: We vote for Blue from Rio; we think disco tickets, food and drinks should all be sold on the night rather than children pre-ordering; we think a pet day sounds like a good idea as long as there are options for children with allergies/fears around animals to do something else on the day.

  2. Room 12:
    We think the Mouse for risk taker.
    we think tickets should be sold on the day and pre-sale but the tickets are given out on the day of the disco because lots of people lost their ticket and forgot to bring it on the night.

    Yes to pre-buying food so you don’t run out of what they want.

    No to pet day.

  3. Room 8 suggest Frozen (Olaf) how the Snowman lost his nose and the reindeer tried to eat it but he gave it back (COMMUNICATION)
    Mind Master Picture (Mind your Mind) OPEN MINDED
    We loved the mouse.
    For Pet Day, we have voted YES for a Pet Day.

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